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Sunday 9 February 2025

Essentials Tips & Strategy : expertise serving trust


When Bruno du Boisguéheneuc founded Essentiels Conseils & Strategy three years ago, agri-food valorization advice was a unique proposition in Reunion Island. Its visionary character appears today in concrete support of importance for the territory.

Essentials C&Accompanies the project
supply of pei products
Reunionese restaurants in mainland France.

Essentials Tips & Strategy should soon be approved by the Réunion Region for the new territorial brand “100% Réunion”, which aims to promote the image of the territory on external markets. This will be full recognition of the usefulness of the consulting specialty developed and developed in Reunion Island by Bruno du Boisguéheneuc for nearly four years. : personalized advice on responsible agricultural development with, especially, small processing producers. A vast notion to which Bruno du Boisguéheneuc gives concrete applications. With its customers, Essentials Tips & Strategy thus sets various objectives. Mastery of valorization tools supported by a database allowing the labels to be understood, regional brands, quality signs, scores and valuable mentions. Team training and preparation for certification, traceability, manufacturing monitoring, calculation of cost prices and revenues. The company supports project leaders and helps set up new activities (catering department, bulk…) or new services (click and collect, corners…). Finally, it is able to carry out specialized studies on themes linked to the agri-food industry.

Support for quality

The 100% La Réunion brand gives an example of this. If its specifications are simple to explain (the product must be made in Reunion with Reunion ingredients, with a tolerance if a product does not exist in Reunion), it is more complex to implement. The purpose of the brand, with these controls, is to offer a guarantee to consumers, but it is also to engage its holders in improving the traceability of their products. Also the Department needed an advisor as much as a controller. With his knowledge of labels and his experience in the distribution of organic products, Bruno du Boisguéheneuc was entrusted with this mission in 2023, then in 2024. He designed a grid of around twenty criteria establishing the traceability of the product and proposed a control method.. “I generally take two or three products at random, which we check, with the business manager, the origin of the ingredients and the production conditions using supplier invoices and the manufacturing sheet. I say “we”, because it is an exchange : I see my intervention more as a form of support for quality. »

Create new markets

Further proof is given by the ongoing launch in Montpellier of a distribution platform for frozen Reunionese products and groceries for the metropolitan market*. Essentials Tips & Strategy has supported this Sopema OI project from the outset, the purchasing and processing center of the Ilôt Surgelé brand. At the base, the observation that hundreds of Reunionese restaurants in France are waiting for a solution to supply pei products. Its implementation crowns a lot of work carried out by Bruno du Boisguéheneuc in prospecting and establishing relationships between Reunion producers., in particular holders of the 100% La Réunion brand, and metropolitan restaurateurs. Especially since the two agri-food development actions complement each other : “It is clear that, when mainland restaurateurs see the 100% La Réunion brand on a product, it also has for them and their customers the value of a guarantee of origin”, underlines Bruno du Boisguéheneuc.

Planet Score, environmental display of products

Essentials Tips & Stratégie is the Planet Score representative in Reunion. Developed by the Institute of Agriculture and Organic Food, national public body, the Planet Score label is the only one to date to comprehensively report on the environmental impacts of a food product. A notable source of differentiation for companies that obtain it. A farm in Bras-Panon should soon be the first Reunion structure officially approved Planet Score. “It is an important tool that enhances production, agricultural or processing, respectful of our environment and biodiversity. I am very happy to be involved in its development in Reunion. » Personalized support, coupled with monitoring of market developments, puts the advantage of eco-responsibility within the reach of small producers as well as larger structures. “The future of our island depends on it ! », declares Bruno du Boisguéheneuc.

* See in Leader Meeting n° 236, November 2024, and on leaderreunion.fr

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