21.5 C
Sunday 9 February 2025


Meeting Leader
Simplified joint stock company with capital of 12,000 euros
RCS N°891 648 206
N° ISSN 12 472263 – Code APE :5814Z
Address : Cadjee 62 Business Center, Boulevard du Chaudron 97490 Sainte Clotilde

Publishing Director and Editor-in-Chief : Carole Manote
Tel : 0692 28 71 13
Email : leader-reunion@leaderreunionmagazine.fr

Creation of the site
Creaweb Agency
0693 61 36 15


Terms of Service :
Use is for strictly personal use. Any reproduction or representation in whole or in part, for other purposes on any medium is prohibited without the express prior authorization of Leader Réunion ,this would constitute a counterfeit within the meaning of article L.335-2 and following of the intellectual property code. Counterfeiting that may engage the civil and criminal liability of the infringer. The information contained in this service is non-contractual and subject to change without notice.. All documents sent for publication will not be returned.. Hypertext links (especially because of their content) present on the site cannot in any way engage the responsibility of Mrs. Carole Manote