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Sunday 9 February 2025

An “Al Capone strategy” to fight illegal fishing


On average 80 million tonnes of fish are reported caught at sea each year. To this number could be added up to 26 million tonnes of fish caught illegally., according to an investigation report from the Fondation de la Mer, association founded by experts from the maritime world, which makes 89 concrete recommendations to fight against this scourge.

Illegal fishing, undeclared and unregulated (INN) is indeed an economic scourge, social, environmental and political, because beyond putting fish stocks in danger and threatening global food security, it is also a question of corruption, mafia practices, “modern” slavery and organized crime. It is difficult to define the extent since, by principle, it is not measurable, but the estimates of various experts agree : it would correspond to a volume between 11 and 19% in addition to the declared catches. IUU fishing causes overexploitation of the oceans, destroys the balance of marine ecosystems and threatens a sustainable economic model by depriving the global economy of 10 to 23 billion dollars. The Sea Foundation alerts the general public and policy makers by presenting a report on illegal fishing, accompanied by 89 recommendations to escape this destructive spiral. This investigation report is the conclusion of two years of research, including 44 interviews carried out with experts in the fishing industry and the participation of two satellite operators.

Stop trafficking using indirect means

The Sea Foundation has established 89 recommendations. These recommendations concern many subjects which govern fishing, like the law, management tools or even scientific knowledge. Among these recommendations, we find the “Al Capone strategy”. IUU fishing is such a huge issue that it is necessary to overcome this problem with broader means than those usually used for fishing.. This method does not just stop IUU fishing, it also tracks the criminal ramifications that accompany it. This strategy addresses, for example, the condition of boats and the safety of crews., establishing solid foundations for responsible maritime practices. It also mobilizes all available levers to inform and empower the entire sector as well as consumers..

A considerable ecological and economic challenge

“With experts, we worked on recommendations to defeat IUU fishing by different means : legal, scientists, techniques, policies… Better protecting and managing fish stocks will lead to better ocean health. The fishing economy will be better off, regular fishermen too, and this will greatly contribute to better feeding humanity, especially the most deprived. Fighting against IUU fishing is therefore a major economic issue, but also and above all, ecological. By acting against this threat, we protect the Ocean, on which the survival of our planet and humanity depends”, explains Sabine Roux de Bézieux, president of the Sea Foundation.

Abusive fishing

Illegal fishing is carried out by national or foreign vessels in the territorial waters of a state, without the authorization of this State or contrary to the laws and regulations of this State. Undeclared fishing refers to non-declaration, misreporting or under-reporting information relating to fishing or catching activities. Unregulated fishing covers the capture of stocks that are not subject to management and conservation measures in a given fishing area.

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