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Sunday 9 February 2025

Numéric’Emploi to address recruitment difficulties


The digital sector lacks brains and hands in Reunion as everywhere in France.

Created at the initiative of Numeum, Numéric’Emploi was born in the Grand Est, seven years ago, In partnership with Pôle Emploi. The system is set up in Reunion with France Pro PRO. It is a question of building tailor -made training courses facilitating the connection between companies and persons in retraining or job search. Young people in particular can be interested in disruptive learning methods that characterize digital training. In a city, The rate of access to employment at the end of the Numéric’Emploi routes is on average 80 %. First step, France Professor will carry out in January to assess the difference between digital skills available in Reunion and business needs.

The Tour of the AI ​​meeting : From December 9 to 13
Associating the regional delegation of number and digital meeting, It is organized with the support of the various public inter -municipal cooperation establishments (EPCI). Goal : demystifying AI and carrying the message of its usefulness as close as possible to companies. Another brand guest will share his experience : Luc Julia, Franco-American engineer specializing in artificial intelligence, Siri co -founder, l’assistant vocal d’Apple.

Information about AI :What door to strike ?

If demand relates to technological innovation, The use of generative AI, the necessary skills : Digital Meeting (digitalreunion.com), Artificial Intelligence Reunion

If the request relates to business applications :
Professional organizations, federations
sector, MEDEF Réunion, CPME, etc.

All the news from commerce and mass distribution in Reunion
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