15.9 C
Monday 17 June 2024



From the link, of the link, still link !

Michel Perrinet, president of Octave, software publisher dedicated to retail and e-commerce players, développe les cinq tendances du retail qui marqueront l’année 2021. Après une année 2020 marquée par la crise sanitaire et les confinements successifs qui ont conduit à la fermeture de la plupart des magasins physiques et à l’adoption de nouveaux modes de consommation, il est...

Collection and sorting of plastic bottles : and if B:bot was the solution ?

Developed by the French start-up GreenBig, la B :bot is a practical and intelligent machine that gives a serious facelift to the process of sorting and recycling plastic bottles. La B :bot is both a machine and a digital ecosystem that is revolutionizing the collection of plastic bottles and reinventing the deposit. In...

How augmented reality is redefining self-scanning ?

Self-scanning has always been an essential tool for customers looking to save time and enjoy a more flexible shopping experience. In times of health restrictions, it is becoming an all the more essential tool to limit the risk of contamination. The explanations of Christian Floerkemeier, co-founder and director of New Technologies at Scandit, spécialiste de la saisie...

The Changing Print Solutions Industry

The printing solutions industry accelerates its evolution in 2021 due to changes in habits and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Jason cort, Sharp Europe's director of product planning and marketing explains why the news isn't all bad. Il n’est pas exagéré de dire que la Covid-19 a occupé une...

Beware of a false application all anticovid

Looking like the government, a fake TousAntiCovid application is sent by text. However this refers to malicious software. Several cybersecurity companies have sounded the alert. So, Cyber ​​security expert on Mobile at Lookout, Bastien Bobe sums up the threat : "By sending an SMS with a link, l’Etat français a exposé les utilisateurs de smartphone...

5G technology and cyber risk : Legal solutions become central

Cybersecurity intends that cybercrime be fought preventively, through the establishment within organizations of technical and organizational measures - therefore human and legal. The Grenier Avocats firm sheds light on the protections to be put in place in order to manage the legal risk of organizations, to anticipate and manage it. Selon 80 % des responsables...

A label for virtuous online marketplaces

This label will recognize the making of a number of ambitious commitments by the platforms concerned in terms of loyalty and transparency towards their business partners., consumer protection, of social responsibility, environmental or tax. The launch of this label was jointly announced by Alain Griset, ministre délégué chargé des Petites et Moyennes...

Steriluv at the service of all health sectors

Intended for medical and emergency personnel, StérilUV is a compact portable device that sterilizes surfaces using LED technology. Doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, dentists, osthéopathes... Health professionals are more than ever mobilized both to fight against the coronavirus but also to ensure the continuity of care for other patients. Et bientôt pour réaliser les...


Container sharing : a start-up is launching this innovative logistics concept to optimize space, the cost and ecological impact of maritime transport. The initiative is sure to interest Reunion Island professionals, whereas with the economy being sealed off, empty containers had accumulated at the seaport, saturant la capacité de stockage au point de menacer aujourd’hui le redémarrage...

Senate proposal for the overseas departments and territories

La délégation sénatoriale aux outre-mer a décidé en mars 2020 d’engager une étude relative aux effets économiques de la crise de la Covid-19 sur les économies ultramarines. Ce travail de synthèse a abouti à formuler 58 recommandations qui résument les problématiques économiques des DOM-TOM en ce début d’année 2021. Les recommandations des trois rapporteurs de la délégation sénatoriales aux Outre-Mer...
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