18.7 C
Sunday 9 February 2025



The economic check-up of Reunionese VSE-SMEs in 2022

Reunionese VSE-SMEs saw their activity increase by 5,5% for the whole year, compared to 2021. This performance places the Réunion region 14th in the national ranking with a result four points lower than the French average.. Une analyse du conseil régional de l'ordre des experts-comptables de La Réunion réalisée en collaboration avec...

Seven out of 10 French people skip dessert because the bill takes too long to arrive

Sunday, restaurant payment solution, publie les résultats d’un sondage YouGov sur l'attitude des consommateurs vis-à-vis de leur expérience au restaurant. Notamment leur comportement au moment de l’addition… Parmi les choses que les Français n'apprécient pas lorsqu’ils sortent dîner, près d'un quart (22 %) cite le moment d'attente pour avoir, puis pour payer l'addition. There are also many....

PANORAMA OF GSA 2022 Commercial floor of GSA brands in Reunion

(magasins 400m²) LA RÉUNION Le plancher commercial des magasins d’enseignes (hors indépendants) supérieurs ou égaux à 400 m² au 23/02/2022 est de 181 570 m² pour 100 points de vente, dont 19 hypermarchés et 81 supermarchés. LES RÉGIONS Le Sud Avec 36% des habitants pour 39% du plancher commercial, la région Sud dispose d’une densité de 225 m² pour 1 000 habitants. On trouve...

The sketch of the consumer in 2030

Tout au long de l'année 2020, dentsu, fourth largest communications group in the world, a réalisé une enquête dans 20 pays auprès de 30 000 personnes pour dessiner les tendances de consommation et les possibles attentes du consommateur à l'horizon 2030. The Covid crisis has disrupted consumers' daily lives. Lifestyles are changing, les comportements d'achat se transforment, with...

Cosmetic products : reconcile compliance, speed and agility

For Romain Marcel, Managing Director of Veeva France and Europe, in the cosmetics department, accelerating time to market requires speeding up compliance processes. How to solve the existential duality of the objectives of the modern company ? How to reconcile the goals of accelerating the time to market of new products and maintaining compliance ? Tel est le...

Health crisis : the expertise of under-represented women in the media

The Covid-19 health crisis has had many consequences, including that of making women even more invisible in the media. A finding underlined by a government report on the subject. "Never forget that all it takes is a political crisis, economic or religious so that women's rights are called into question. These rights are never acquired. You will have to stay....

Circuits and brands : who will win the organic battle ?

In a study on the distribution of organic food products in France, "Les Échos Études" deciphers the strategies and trends that are moving the food distribution lines of organic products in France. It makes it possible to assess the market potential and outline the distribution landscape by 2025.. With a growth rate....

Small, but concentrated, natural and ecological

Rainett's new Rosemary Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid highlights its effectiveness and aromatic scent. Brand founded in 1990, pioneer of ecological household cleaning products, Rainett launches this new dishwashing liquid which joins the range of eco-responsible dishwashing liquids it has been developing for over thirty years. Rainett's youngest, Rosemary Concentrate (500 ml) possède ainsi les...